Xincen Gu

2019-20 Fellows

Xincen Gu is enrolled in the Master of Science program focusing on Construction Engineering and Management at the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science of Columbia University. Her undergraduate degree was Bachelor of Management in Engineering Cost from the Hebei University of Architecture in Zhangjiakou, China, conferred in 2019. During her undergraduate study, she ranked the first among 123 classmates in comprehensive assessment. She was awarded a national scholarship by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. She organized and participated in various activities as deputy secretary of College Communist Party of China (CPC) Committee.

She has significant experience working as an intern at China Road and Bridge Corporation where she Participated in the project of Construction of the Bridge Mainland-Pelješac with Access Roads and concentrated on contract management. Her graduation design named Application BIM Technology in Zhangjiakou Airport Terminal was won the second prize in Longtu Cup National BIM Competition sponsored by China Graphics Society.

Her research interests focus on BIM (Building information Modeling), visualization, cost management as well as contract management. At CBIPS she will be participating in the research efforts pertaining to the visualization and data analytics and historic house trust.