I am currently pursuing my master degree in Civil Engineering, specializing in construction engineering management at Columbia University. At my undergraduate school-Washington State University, I was a research assistant in the laboratory at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Through the research process, I gained experience about exploration of an unfamiliar engineering field, including synthetic storm water mixture and data analysis. Through data collection with other students in lab for change of chloride ion concentration in stormwater, my cooperation and operation skills also got enhanced.
During my last year at WSU, I was vice president of ITE (Institute of transportation engineering) student chapter. In this role, I organized student chapter events and community services. One of the symbolic projects we were involved in was a data collection project funded by the Western District Student Data Collection program. The process of this project proposal design impacted me on effective decision making on how to arrange the data collection among members and analyze traffic data by appropriate communication with faculty and other students in the ITE student chapter.
This semester my research focusing is on “Plan for Washington Heights”, our team is planning a proposal for affordable housing around Inwood area of Manhattan.